New Toyota is Literally Greener Than Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf

New Toyota is Literally Greener Than Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf Clapway

It seems that Toyota has taken the “go green” initiative quite literally. The Japanese car maker has just released a horrendously ugly, but magnificently efficient concept that will surely compete with the likes of Tesla and Nissan. Solar reflective paint.

New Toyota is Literally Greener Than Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf Clapway


Instead of asking why this new technology has to be an ugly, lime green, ask how Tesla and Nissan will respond to this creative concept. Dubbed “Thermo-Tech Lime Green” this paint has a far greater function than inducing vomit in traffic. This is the first ever attempt by anyone in the auto industry at solar reflective paint. As we all know, cooling down our car uses a significant amount of energy, whether gas or electric. By making the cabin interior cooler, in a more natural way, one won’t have to use so much air conditioning. This, in turn, will help you reduce energy consumption. For just $350 extra, Toyota owners can have this reflective paint added to their car.


If you want to get Tesla or Nissan Leaf that has similar qualities to this new paint technology, you will be limited to choosing between white and grey. Both colors reflect around 50-70 percent of the sun’s heat. Toyota, however, is getting those same numbers from a variety of colors, giving them the upper hand. According to a scientific study, solar reflective paint can reduce the temperature inside the cabin by 11 degrees Fahrenheit. On top of this, it could cut C02 emissions by 210,000 tons every year. This concept is not necessarily groundbreaking. It’s been an experiment since the 1950’s, but it is just now becoming exclusively available in Japan and for Toyota.


It doesn’t seem that Tesla and Nissan Leaf have any answer to this split-pea soup inspired technology. As the largest competitors of the Toyota Prius, Tesla and Nissan need to step up their game. For Tesla, it seems their version of a competitive edge is the percentage.  With plans to make their Model S around the $25,000 range, this will definitely put them on par with the Prius. The Leaf, however,  seems to be inspired by paint tech. Their new models are showing off the options to have glow-in-the-dark paint. This paint won’t help the environment at all, but you’ll, at least, look like a mobile rave.