Whoever thought out the concept of PornHub Live probably didn’t take trolling into account. The feature is fertile grounds for even the most inexperienced of trolls. Check out this YouTube video to see how one user really sticks it in her, or, sticks it to her rather.
Trolling is an art form. Good trolls will rile someone up just enough but at the same time, make it obvious that it is all in good, sarcastic fun. The best trolls are the ones no one ever saw coming and never see leave. These are the trolls that make one question their existence as they rage quit every forum, every online game and every PornHub video there is out there. This particular YouTube user is one of these experts. Of course, having PornHub Live as his playground isn’t really fair. The service pretty much begs to be trolled.
For a good troll to be effective, it helps if it’s prey is on the stupid side. Not to generalize, but most “actresses” on PornHub couldn’t pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel. This YouTube user takes full advantage of that. Watching these pornstars do the dirty and comply with all these strange requests while trying to keep their composure is the entertainment that dreams are made out of. It’s quite obvious the majority of his trolling attempts go right over their heads and the confused look on their faces is nothing short of priceless. Is this good old fashioned trickery by YouTube or is this borderline PornHub harassment?
As the HIV positive, failed actor Charlie Sheen once said on the Today Show “porn stars are people too.” Sure they are people, but does that mean they are immune from these YouTube trickeries of higher intellect? This actually brings up a good point about evolution. Survival of the fittest, as the saying goes, can apply to intelligence. If one is not intelligent enough to recognize a good trolling attempt, then that is only their fault. Stick up for these dim-witted crybabies no more, let evolution run its course.