Microsoft Found Internet Devil

Microsoft Found Internet Devil Clapway

A Russian hacker is behind the security breach of more than 250 million emails. Who is this mysterious Internet devil? The data breach includes Russia’s, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Alphabet. The Russian criminal underworld may be using these email addresses. The Internet devil behind the hacked email accounts may be a hacker from Russia. He or she may have more than one billion emails for sale on the black market of the Internet. Can Microsoft find this devil hacker? At least before personal information of more than one billion people is sold to Russian criminal organizations?

Reach of the Internet Devil

The Russian hacking devil had 40 million Yahoo, 24 million Gmail, 33 million Hotmail, 57 million addresses. He or she also has thousands of Chinese and German email addresses as well. The Internet devil could have confidential information valuable on the underground market. He or she may also possess sensitive information that would be bad for companies around the world.

Microsoft Wages War

Places on the Internet where hackers can sell sensitive information to criminal organizations do exist. And it is a bit alarming. Hackers can sell or post leaked information for free on the Internet. But Microsoft is waging war in order to protect users. A Microsoft spokesman said that they would take action. If any information regarding illegal Internet markets selling information were found, Microsoft would step in. Microsoft also committed to protecting customers if they fall victim to the Internet devil. However, reactionary measures may simply be too late. Stopping your leaked information from being sold on the underground market may prove challenging once in the hands of a hacker.

Is the Internet Safe?

Storing your personal information on the cloud. Or having it building up in your email account may increase your risk. This large scale hack is not the first big data breach. Hackers have been recently more active. And their methods harder to trace. Last year, 100 million people were the victim of a data breach after nine major companies were hacked. The U.S. government is not safe either. In 2015, 30,000 FBI and Homeland Security accounts were hacked. The government and Microsoft should find the Internet devil hacker and offer him or her a job? Surely this wouldn’t be the first time for something like that to occur.