Nine biker gang members are dead after a motorcycle gang shootout in Waco, Texas, that happened at a popular shopping center at the Twin Peaks restaurant. The police made their travel to the scene of the crime and found a bloody scene as bystanders were in a panic over the outburst of violence. Agents from the FBI and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were also at the scene.
Police said the noon timeframe made the restaurant busy when the motorcycle gang shootout occurred, and 18 others were injured besides the dead bikers. All of the dead and injured are reported to have been members of the biker gangs, who had stab wounds and gunshot wounds.
Police representatives said they were surprised no innocent bystanders were either killed or injured during the motorcycle gang shootout when they came to travel to the area for lunch or shopping. Nearly 200 bike gang members were arrested after the fight that resulted in the motorcycle gang shootout deaths and injuries.
Five Gangs Involved in Motorcycle Gang Shootout
Police reported that there were five biker gangs involved in the motorcycle gang shootout and that they were rival gangs from the area. The exact biker gang groups involved is not yet known, but reports say that some were wearing the words Bandidos” or “Cossacks” on their jackets.
The biker gangs had made their travel to the Twin Peaks restaurant for a meeting to discuss territory and recruitment topics, something they all had fought over in the past. Beginning investigations have found that the fight started in one of the restrooms and then continued in the restaurant parking lot with hundreds of gang members joining in with guns and knives. Police also recovered several other weapons used in the fight, which included brass knuckles, chains, knives, bats, and assorted kinds of clubs.
Police and state troopers had known about the gangs’ meeting and had been stationed outside the restaurant in case of problems. The police are reported to have shot some of the armed members of the biker gangs during the motorcycle gang shootout, but it is not yet known if any of the police killed any of the nine dead biker gang members.
The restaurant management also is said to have known about the gangs’ scheduled meeting and police said they were not cooperative with law enforcement. Their representatives made a statement to reporters about the resulting motorcycle gang shootout, saying they were horrified by the violent criminal activity that happened there. They were making it a priority to give their customers and workers a safe environment and that they would work with law authorities regarding the investigation of the motorcycle gang shootout.