After “Blackfish” the popular documentary related to orcas in captivity was released in 2013, SeaWorld found itself in hot water. Many have even called for them to close their doors for good in light of the mistreatment of some of their animals. With all the negative publicity surrounding SeaWorld, it can be hard to remember that there are dedicated men and women working hard to ensure the health and well-being of animals in and around the SeaWorld locations. On Sunday a Rough Toothed Dolphin was found washed on a beach in Clearwater, Florida, and is now being treated by SeaWorld’s staff of Veterinary experts.
SeaWorld looks after the large marine mammal
Rough Toothed Dolphin are a relatively large species of dolphin which dwell in the warm tropical bodies of water, and can weight upwards of 340 pounds. Dolphins are social animals by nature, and finding one dolphin in distress is rare. While details are still unclear about the cause of this aquatic mammal’s beaching, a further analysis by experts will help to determine if the cause is environmental, or if there is another reason that the animal stranded itself. The Rough Toothed Dolphin is not listed as an endangered, or at-risk species at this point.
SeaWorld’s legacy of looking after injured wildlife
While they remain very controversial for the treatment of animals kept in captivity, for years the company has committed themselves to coming to the aid of ailing sea creatures. According to their Florida wildlife rescue website, “With a legacy of animal rescue spanning more than 50 years and benefiting more than 26,000 animals, responding to wildlife in crisis is a commitment we take to heart. Working in partnership with state, local, and federal agencies, our rescue teams are on call 24/7 assisting animals that are orphaned, ill, injured or in need of expert care.”
Starting as far back as 1976 the rescue teams have been helping injured animals recover, or committing them to lifelong rehabilitation if they injuries prove too debilitating. Injuries sustained by the washed up cetacean are to be assessed by experts, but with the amazing team of veterinary experts and the outstanding record they possess for animal rescues, the Rough Toothed Dolphin is sure to be receiving the best treatment in the world.