YouTube to Make Fun of Skype Translator

YouTube to Make Fun of Skype Translator Clapway

YouTube is on a mission. Just after exposing the faults of Google Translate, they are moving on to a new target. Skype Translator was exposed for its inadequacy recently and it’s only a matter of time before we see a wealth of funny videos popping up on the video sharing site.


Although Skype Translator has eight languages, that doesn’t mean that one can actually speak them. Go ahead, try it out for yourself and witness that insane results. Suffice to say, it creates some funny dialog. People having been comparing it to the translator from Star Trek if that gives you any indication. It’s supposed to be a very easy tool to operate. Just like on the handy glove icon and pick your language. English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Italian, Portuguese and now Arabic are your options. Sounds easy enough, but the results speak for themselves.


If video chats weren’t awkward enough, Skype Translator doesn’t help. We all hate those moments of silence in conversations. If you are a good conversationalist, these can be minimalized. Not with the Skype Translator thought. See, something very interesting happens when you try to speak like a normal person with this program. Complete gibberish comes out.  Since there are not translations for the natural pauses, “umms” and “ahhs”, then Skype kind of doesn’t know what to do. The only way to have any kind of success is to talk like a robot. Be very articulate with your words and be distinct. Talking like a stiff computer will only make the conversation more awkward. It’s ok. Just keep staring and smiling and hopefully your internet connection will give way during the conversation. When it’s done, make a funny YouTube video about the experience.


Now that the flaw of Skype Translator has been exposed, it’s up to YouTube to do the rest. The great users of YouTube have always been good at creating mockery video. Think how much humor can come from the translation error. Heck, the term “lost in translation” isn’t around for nothing. As we saw with Google Translate, misunderstandings are hilarious. YouTube has stumbled upon a goldmine of luscious content. Carpe Diem folks.