Man Cut Off His Penis to Play in Porn; Pornhub Fans Happy

Government: Support Gays, Apple iPhone and Marijuana Man Cut Off His Penis to Play in Porn; Pornhub Fans Happy YouTube Movies About Porn: 5 Films Making Pornhub Fans Happy Clapway

There are a lot of strange things going on in porn. One porn video on Pornhub could offer viewers a variety of wonders. The usual characters of porn either have a penis, a vagina, or in some cases both. However, penis implants and full gender reassignment surgery may bring a whole new genre to porno. One working porn star, Buck Angel has no penis. And a man from Essex may be joining the short list of penisless porn stars very soon. According to reports, Maurice Pepper of Essex decided it was time to become a woman one day. But he made this decision after his wife became ill. Will Maurice, or now Margaret, get a Pornhub gig to flaunt his, or her, new brand new vagina?

Maurice Always Wanted to Part Ways with his/her Penis

Maurice Pepper was the average guy from Essex. He and his wife Anita had been married for 35 years. They had raised five children. And lived a normal heterosexual life. Until Anita Pepper was diagnosed with dementia in 2002. Maurice, who is now Margaret Pepper, said his wife’s illness freed him. His rationale was if his wife no longer recognized him, he might as well become a woman. But it wasn’t his wife’s dementia that sent him down vagina road. He actually always wanted to be a woman.

New Vagina, New Porn Career

The new Margaret Pepper had full gender reassignment surgery. And he didn’t stop seeing his/her wife. He visited her every day, even though she had no idea who this strange woman was. A bizarre, but heartwarming anecdote. So what does a man who is now a full-blown woman do with a sparkling new vagina? Sex, and probably lots of it. Margaret can get really greasy with her new lady parts. She could join the hundreds of other porn stars on Pornhub. It could actually be quite a lucrative career, since the porn industry is worth an estimated $14 billion annually.

Pepper vs. Buck Angel on Pornhub

Buck Angel is a dude without a penis. He is also a porn star without a penis. This makes him quite unique in the industry. In a realm of giant uncircumcised cocks, and bald young vaginas, Pepper and Angel could continue to make a living. One thing Pepper has that Angel doesn’t, is that he looks like a woman now. Maybe Buck Angel can strap one on and take Pepper for a walk around the neighborhood? Unfortunately, niche porn has a long way to go. Pornhub may need to look into a new way to market new vaginas on older men.