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How to Avoid Becoming Lazy and Disgusting

This is why you’re lazy; you lack the motivation to experience adventure, and I don’t blame you one bit. The entire world is working against...

I Am Against Hipster Barbie Instagram Account

This week, a parody Instagram account, poking fun at the "Generation Hipster," has become an Internet sensation, growing from 66,000 followers to 826,000 in...

Invasive Starry Stonewort Threatens Minnesota Ecosystem

With the major chemical spill caused by the EPA in the Colorado River, it’s hard to imagine that there could be anything more threatening...

This is Your Dog’s Fitbit

The device that Squeaker is working on is essentially a smartwatch for your dog.

Cotopaxi Volcano Stirs Spewing Ashes

Two small explosions were reported on Friday morning (4:02 a.m. and 4:07 a.m. local time) at the famous Cotopaxi volcano, which later started raining...

How Hackers Are Killing People Virtually

Whether it’s hacking vehicles or guns, it’s becoming clear that no element of technology is completely safe.

A Quarter Million Sockeye Salmon Lost to Bad Weather

Scientists and conservationists are stunned by the unprecedented number of sockeye salmon lost to poor weather conditions, calling into effect commercial and recreational fishing restrictions in and around the Columbia River indefinitely.

Suspected MERS Outbreak Reported in the UK

The Manchester Royal Infirmary in the UK has shut its Accident and Emergency unit after a suspected Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-–MERS-–outbreak, today.

New Horizons: Nitrogen Ice Flows and Beautiful Haze

As NASA continues to receive and develop the massive stock of imagery and data from New Horizons’ recent flyby of Pluto, the dwarf planet...

Scientists Create Technology That Could Allow Humans to Communicate Through Echolocation

With over 6,000 languages spoken in the world, communication can often be convoluted to say the least. Whether traveling, communicating online, or trying to...

Google Is Making a Better Way to Keep Spam Out

Under 1% OF IMPORTANT MAIL is ENDING UP IN THE SPAM FOLDER IN GMAIL As indicated by Google, a tenth of a percent of messages...

Expo2015 in Milan: Moleskine The Future of Human Space

Arianna Franchi’s rendition of architecture shows us that Moleskine can also be endearingly modern.

Selfies Might Be the Next MasterCard Online Verification Tool

MasterCard is attempting to revolutionizing payment verification with an experimental smartphone application that allows people to authenticate their identity and authorize internet purchases with...

Life Without Toilets? Ask the 2.4 Billion People Lacking Sanitation Facilities

According to the latest joint report published by several United Nations agencies, one in every three, or 2.4 billion people on the planet, are still without sanitation facilities – including 946 million people who defecate in the open.

‘Uber for Pot’ – Eaze the Revolutionary Weed-Delivery App

Patients will not be required to travel to specific clinics, pay around $100 US, and wait days before receiving their card in the mail. Those days are over.

Tempo Apple Watch: The Ultimate ‘Bling Bling’ Gadget Comes From Finland

Have you ever wondered where James Bond’s favourite seat and Jackie Kennedy’s Markimekko pattern come from? Finland is a true design nation.

Hololens to Take Astronauts Farther Than They’ve Gone Before

AN ANALOGUE INTERFACE IS CLUMSY, UNLIKE HOLOLENS Imagine you’re in space, flying blind as you enter another planet’s, let’s say Mars’, atmosphere. Your instruments are...
Microsoft Selfie Battles Facefeed in the World of Selfie Clapway

A Selfie Stick For Tourists That Costs Less Than Your Lunch

There are a lot of questionable inventions out there, but the infamous “selfie stick” gets a lot of flack from its critics – maybe...

Microsoft Office Available on Android

The Suite Now Downloadable on Android Phones Microsoft has officially launched Microsoft Office for Android smartphones. Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint can now be downloaded as apps,...

Can’t Afford a Vacation? Then the Atmoph Window Shall Bring The Beach to You

Jealousy is never a nice feeling, but when you are constantly reminded of your friends' and families' exotic vacations on social media while you’re...

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